Sunday, October 21, 2012

Broken Relationship

This was a blog I started during the summer and never I'm going to try and finish!

July '12:
Haven't blogged in a while. Going to try and blog more often. There's been a lot on my heart the last few months, a lot that God has been teaching me, so I want to share it with you. I pray that God will open your heart and that these words will be food for your soul.

He's really been showing me a lot about broken relationships of every kind. The most important broken relationship though is the one between us and Him. We are a broken people- tattered, trying to repair ourselves. We place bandaids over our wounds in hopes that we will heal. We use people, churches, talk shows, media, books, theologies to try and repair our wounds. We are destroyed when these things don't work- and they WON'T. defines broken as:

reduced to fragments; fragmented.
ruptured; torn; fractured.
not functioning properly; out of working order.
Meteorology (of sky cover) being more than half, but nottotally, covered by clouds. Compare scattered def. 4 .
changing direction abruptly: The fox ran in a broken line.

Everything problem we have, everything stems from a broken relationship with the Lord. He is the ultimate healer and without Him, things can only be fixed temporarily, but with Him, He picks up the pieces and puts them back together, as if they were never broken in the first place.

Tonight, I was pulling the vine out of our shrubs out front. It was a tiring, endless job. Just as I'd pull one piece of the vine, I'd discover another, and another...and I came inside and decided to save the rest for tomorrow! It was unbelievable to me how the vine had wrapped itself around the leaves and branches of the shrubs attempting to suck the life from it. As I was pulling the vine, I began thinking back to last year, doing the same thing. I remember that we let it go awhile because we just got too tired of pulling all of it. It looked ugly, and disastrous! So this year, Eddie put netting down and mulch in hope that it would slow down the vine. So a couple of weeks ago, I walked by it and thought, wow, I really need to get in there and pull that vine! There was just a few around the edges. But, I was on my way out, so I put it off. Then, tonight, as Ruthie and I were watering our flowers out front, I noticed how out of hand it had gotten, in just a couple of weeks! It had worked its way to the center of every shrub and wrapped itself around the branches and leaves! So I left what I was doing, and began pulling. I'm really not sure how to get rid of the vine, other than digging everything up and starting over! I do know though, if picked daily, it will be a lot easier than trying to do it all at once.

So, as I was pulling, it reminded me of how life is. When we first come to know Jesus and his salvation, he does a transplant in our lives. Like digging up everything and starting over. A change takes place (or should) inside of us. He begins transforming us, the way we think, act, talk. It is a difficult process. The moment we are a new creation in Christ, the devil will deceive us with lies and present things to us to entice us. Like the vine, it will begin around the edges, so you can't notice it. You may go on about your life walking by and telling yourself you'll deal with it later. Before you know it, the vine has weaseled its way up to your heart and wrapped itself around every fiber of your being.

So what is the vine? Bitterness, jealously, slander, hatred, and unforgiving heart, gossip, fear, worry, etc. All of these things can start out small, like the vine, almost unnoticed by the untrained eye. They can spread until they completely suck the life out of you. And yes, this can happen to the saved. If we are not actively pursuing righteousness and watching for these things, then the vine can slip in unnoticed. 2 Corinthians 11:3 says, "But I am afraid that as the servant deceived Eve by His cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ." It all begins with our thoughts. My mind is a battlefield daily! So what do we do? His Word says to take every thought captive. "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5 We have to be watchful everyday and look for those areas in our life where a vine could come up. Then, we have to be in our Word and actively pursue the Lord and His righteousness. It is a daily thing- not just a one time decision and you're done. So many people think that after they come to know the Lord, that's it. They don't need to do anything. They can just live their life, go about their business, and fit God into their lives and schedules. 

Maybe our complete view of a relationship with God is wrong. We love His things, His blessings, but do we really, truly love Him? Our Creator, Our King, the Lover of our soul? I just recently read Francis Chan's book Crazy Love- excellent read by the way! In it He talks about how our concern is more about going to heaven than truly loving the king. He says that sadly, many of us, if given the option would choose heaven even if Jesus wasn't there. That's because we love the things of God, not the King himself! It'd be like if I loved the gifts my husband gives me and the things he does for me, not him. He wants us to fall in love with Him- it is Jesus Himself who changes us! And it is only through our submission to Him that we can truly be changed and continue to change. Praise Him that He is so faithful. We can't continue to neglect the vine and expect that God is going to do the work without our submission. When we ask, He will transform our mind so that we no longer look like our old selves but are transformed daily into His image! He picks up the pieces and not only puts them back together, but transforms them into an image that reflects who He is. Thank you Lord!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

All of Me

I heard a song called "All of Me" by Matt Hammit today and instantly fell in love with it. When I first heard it, I thought it was a love song and then I learned that Matt wrote it about his baby boy that they almost. All I could think about was, wow, he's right. We love with half of our heart and that's why it never works. We can't love with half of our heart and expect God to move. Anyway, here's the lyrics:

All of Me

Afraid to love
Something that could break
Could I move on
If you were torn away?
And I'm so close to what I can't control
I can't give you half my heart
And pray He makes you whole

You're gonna have all of me 
You're gonna have all of me
'Cause you're worth every falling tear
You're worth facing any fear
You're gonna know all my love
Even if it's not enough
Enough to mend our broken hearts
But giving you all of me is where I'll start

I won't let sadness steal you from my arms
I won't let pain keep you from my heart
I'll trade the fear of all that I could lose
For every moment I share with you


Heaven brought you to this moment, it's too wonderful to speak
You're worth all of me, you're worth all of me
So let me recklessly love you, even if I bleed
You're worth all of me, you're worth all of me

Chorus (X2)

It's where I'll start 

Hearing this song just really made me think about what love really is. Love for my spouse, love for my children, and most importantly, love for my Maker. I think we love with half our heart and that's why many times our love doesn't last. We don't give everything we are into our relationships. We give half of us because of fear, pride, pain, sorrow, etc. Relationships fail because we only put half of us out there so the other half doesn't get hurt. Loving is scary because there's always the chance that you'll be hurt. Real love takes all of us, and if we don't invest all of us, then it's not real love. It's an imitation. 

What the world offers us is a cheap imitation. It is conditional- it says if someone isn't meeting your needs, then don't meet theirs. It's unforgiving. It keeps track of all of the wrong you've done or all of the wrong they've done to you. It's failing. When it does't work, it's over. Gone as quickly as it began because it's based on feelings and feelings come and go. Most of all, it's temporary- it loves for a time and then it moves on when the "feeling" isn't there anymore. 

The Bible says we only know how to love because He first loved us. Yet, as much as we love people with half our heart, we love Him with less. Sometimes, we just give Him our leftovers (Malachi 1). Yet our great Creator and Father CHOOSES to love us despite our inability to love Him fully. He says that we are His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10), His creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), His Bride (Revelation 19:6-8). Our love relationships here on earth are but a picture of what will be. For now, we only see in part, then we shall see face-to-face. For now, we only know in part, but then we shall know fully 
(1 Corinthians 13: 9-12). 

So how do we love people with all of us? Love your Creator first. Love Him, CHOOSE Him. Allow Him to love you fully and allow yourself to experience His love in the fullest sense. Then, love people with His love. Instead of holding half of your heart back, choose to love people with all of His love inside of you. Why? Because His love is unconditional. It loves even when people fail you and don't meet your needs because His love is more than enough. His love is forgiving. It wipes the slate clean and loves despite the wrong that you've done or the wrong that's been done to you. His love is unfailing. There is never a point when it doesn't work. It ALWAYS works. And when it seems like it's not working, take a step back and really examine if it's His love or if it's you that's not submitting to His love. Most of all, His love is not temporary, but ETERNAL. His love lasts beyond a feeling. His love lasts beyond this lifetime. 

His love is worth every falling tear, His love can face any fear, His love can mend any broken heart. So may we proclaim to recklessly love, even if it bleeds because His love is worth all we have to give. Give all of you to Him and you'll NEVER be disappointed because hope does not disappoint! (Romans 5:5)